Topical Articles
- T1. The Bible
- T2. The Divine Plan of Salvation
- T3. Old-Fashioned Parents and Jet-Age Teenagers
- T4. The Magnificence of Jesus
- T5. The Precious Blood of Christ
- T8. The Bible Is The Word Of God
- T09. When the Lord Shall Return
- T10. Remember Lot’s Wife
- T11. A Journey Through the Halls of Hell
- T13. The Second Coming of Christ
- T14. The Search for Happiness
- T16. Prepare To Meet Thy God
- T17. A Glimpse of Our Home In Heaven
- T18. Worry — Its Cause, Curse, and Cure
- T19. The Christian Woman’s Veiling
- T21. There’s a Lion Looking for You
- T23. The Purpose of Suffering
- T24. The Danger of Procrastination
- T25. Footprints of Jesus
- T26. God’s Unspeakable Gift
- T27. No Room in the Inn
- T28. The Seven Words of Love
- T29. Freedom From Drug Abuse
- T30. The Five C’s of Christian Courtship
- T31. You Have An Appointment With Death
- T32. The Christian Home
- T33. The Royal Telephone
- T34. Four Characteristics of Motherhood
- T35. The Vice of Sexual Immorality
- T36. The Assurance of Salvation
- T37. The Lost Sailboat
- T38. The Days of Noah Repeated
- T40. Repentance Toward God
- T41. A Call To Thought Purity
- T42. The Meaning of Christian Love
- T43. The Cure for Alcoholism
- T45. You Must be Born Again
- T47. Lessons From September 11, 2001
- 96. The Majesty of God
- 97. The Magnificence of Jesus
- 98. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
- 109. How Essential is Water Baptism?
- 110. The Scriptural Headveiling
- 113. The Purpose of Suffering
- 135. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- 149. The Malice of Devils
- 150. The Ministry of Angels
- 155. The Bible Doctrine of Nonresistance
- 157. The Story of Jesus
- 170. The New Birth
- 171. One More Night with the Frogs
- 175. The Destiny of the Fool
- 178. The Tragedy of Divorce and Remarriage
- 182. The Hazards of Immodest Dress
- 183. Three Views of the Cross
- 184. The Ascension of Jesus Christ
- 187. The Sin of Doing Nothing
- 191. Five Temptations of the Age
- 193. Signs of Christ’s Coming
- 194. Offenses Against the Holy Spirit
- 202. The Meaning of Christian Love (A Study of 1 Corinthians 13)
- 203. Two Sinners at Church
- 205. The Ordinances of the Church
- 206. Five Hindrances To Effective Prayer
- 208. Improving the Marriage Relationship
- 209. You Cannot Sin Successfully
- 211. Four Fallacies of the Social Gospel
- 212. A Country Called Heaven
- 213. Television and the Christian Home
- 214. Love Letters in the Sand
- 215. Five Facts You Should Know
- 217. They All Began To Make Excuse (A Study of Luke 14)
- 219. The Bible Doctrine of Nonconformity
- 221. Some Needed Corrections
- 233. Stability in the Midst of Trial (Studies in the Book of James No. 1)
- 234. Doing the Word of God (Studies in the Book of James No. 2)
- 235. Avoiding Personal Discrimination (Studies in the Book of James No. 3)
- 236. True Faith Avoids Inactive Profession (Studies in the Book of James No. 4)
- 237. The Use and Abuse of the Tongue (Studies in the Book of James No. 5)
- 238. True and False Wisdom Contrasted (Studies in the Book of James No. 6)
- 239. A Call to Christian Holiness (Studies in the Book of James No. 7)
- 240. Patience in the Midst of Suffering (Studies in the Book of James No. 8)
- 241. God’s Plan for Those Who are Sick (Studies in the Book of James No. 9)
- 242. The Prayer that Jesus Taught
- 244. How To Increase Your Faith
- 245. The Old Book and the New Birth
- 246. Spiritual Lessons from the Life of David
- 247. Two Words that Can Change Your Outlook on Life
- 254. Three Enemies of the Christian Life
- 255. Proper Discipline in the Church
- 257. Seven Pictures of Divine Tenderness
- 259. The Creeping Danger of Materialism
- 260. The Fallacies of Reincarnation
- 261. The God Who Will Not Let Go (A Study from the Book of Jonah No. 1)
- 262. Salvation is of the Lord (A Study from the Book of Jonah No. 2)
- 263. The Greatest Revival in History (A Study from the Book of Jonah No. 3)
- 264. The Greatness of God’s Mercy (A Study from the Book of Jonah No. 4)
- 272. Facing the Future With Hope
- 273. The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- 274. How To Know the Will of God
- 275. How to Study the Bible
- 276. How to Pray Effectively
- 277. How To Use Time Efficiently
- 286. The Benefits of Sickness
- 287. The Paralyzing Power of Fear
- 288. Attitudes in Christian Living (A Study of Romans 12)
- 289. The Incarnation of Jesus Christ
- 290. The Description of a Well Dressed Christian (A Study of Colossians 3)
- 291. Lessons from Peter’s Denials of Jesus
- 293. Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Introduction
- 294. Speaking and Serving Gifts of the Spirit
- 295. The Sign Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- 296. Death and the Life Hereafter
- 297. God’s Love is Real
- 298. The Marks of a Resurrected Life
- 300. Five Subtle Devices of the Devil
- 310. Bible Hints On Child Training
- 313. The True Meaning of Christ’s First Coming
- 315. Jesus, Our Great High Priest (A Study of Hebrews 4:14-16)
- 317. Seven Things God Hates (A Study of Proverbs 6:16-19)
- 318. The Christian and Halloween
- 320. The First Seven Sayings of Our Savior
- 326. Rewards Promised in Prophecy for God’s People
- 327. The Joys and Sorrows of Growing Older (A Study in Ecclesiastes)
- 328. Lessons from the Life of Jochebed
- 329. The Practice of Personal Daily Devotions
- 330. Roadblocks in the Sinner’s Path To Hell
- 332. Instructions Concerning Sound Doctrine (Lessons from 1 Timothy 1)
- 333. Instructions Concerning Church Life (Studies in 1 Timothy 2)
- 334. Instructions Concerning Bishops and Deacons (Studies in 1 Timothy 3)
- 335. Instructions Concerning False Teachers (Studies in 1 Timothy 4)
- 336. Instructions Concerning Various Members (Studies in 1 Timothy 5)
- 337. Instructions Concerning Material Things (Studies in 1 Timothy 6)
- 338. Jerusalem: a Burdensome Stone
- 339. The Three Tenses of Salvation
- 340. The Miraculous Power of Jesus (A Study of Matthew 8 & 9)
- 341. Separation in Speech and Attitudes
- 343. Lessons from the Lives of Simeon and Anna (A Study in Luke 2:21-40)
- 344. Lessons from the Life of Gideon (A Study in Judges 6, 7, 8)
- 345. Lessons from the Life of Rehoboam (A Study in 1 Kings 11:26 — 12:16)
- 346. Lessons from the life of Elijah (1) (A Study in 1 Kings 17)
- 347. Lessons from the Life of Elijah (2) (A Study in 1 Kings 18:20-46)
- 348. Lessons from the Life of Micaiah (A Study in 1 Kings 22:1-40)
- 349. Lessons from the Life of Ruth
- 350. How To Witness For Christ
- 351. How To Have a Strong Family Unit
- 352. How To Be Eternally Secure
- 353. How to Benefit From Fasting
- 354. How To Deal With Discouragement
- 355. How to be a Good Grandparent
- 356. Two Ways and Two Destinies (Lessons from Psalm 1)
- 359. Finding Joy in Forgiveness (Lessons from Psalm 32)
- 361. Teaching Children the Wonders of God (Lessons from Psalm 78:1-8)
- 365. Counsel for Older Men and Women (Studies in Titus 2:1-4a)
- 366. Glimpses of Truth (from the pen of Amos P. Lehigh)
- 367. Chosen By Grace and Called To Faith
- 368. Counsel for Younger Men and Women (Studies in Titus 2:4b-6)
- 369. Counsel in Light of the Lord’s Return (Studies in Titus 2:7-15)
- 370. The Christian’s Ongoing Warfare (A Study in Ephesians 6:10-20)
- 371. A Guided Tour Through Heaven (A Study in Revelation 21-22)
- 372. The High Value of Wisdom (A Study in Proverbs 3 and 4)
- 374. The Joy of Following Jesus
- 375. The Importance of Forgiving Others (A Study of Matthew 18:21-35)
- 376. Beware the Root of Bitterness (A Study of Hebrews 12:14-17)
- 377. Justification and its Benefits (A Study of Romans 3:21 - 5:10)
- 378. The Truth about Heaven and Hell
- 379. Joseph—the Husband of Mary and Foster Father of Jesus
- 380. The Works of the Flesh (A Study of Galatians 5:16-21)
- 381. The Fruit of the Spirit (A Study of Galatians 5:22-26)
- 382. Courtship, Engagement, and the Wedding
- 383. Joy is Not an Option
- 384. Steps to Revival in the Church
- 385. How To Live Victoriously in Christ
- 387. The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus (A Study of John 19)
- 388. Follow the Path of Integrity (A Study in Proverbs 11:1-14)
- 390. Thanksgiving — My Cup Runneth Over (A Study of Psalm 23:5)
- 391. The Supreme Example of Humility (A Study in Philippians 2:1-13)
- 392. How to Wisely Manage Money
- 393. Lessons from the Life of Zacchaeus (A Study of Luke 18:31–19:10)
- 394. The Truth About Living Together Before Marriage
- 395. The Fate of Sodom and Gomorrah (A Study of Genesis 18:16—19:38)
- 396. Lessons from the Lives of Early Spiritual Leaders
- 397. How to Establish and Maintain Friendships
- 398. The True Source of Real Blessing (A Study of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12))
- 399. The Raising of Lazarus from Death (A Study of John 11:1-57)
- 400. The Miraculous Draught of Fish (A Study of Luke 5:1-11)
- 401. The Homecoming of a Wayward Son (A Study of Luke 15:1-2; 11-24)
- 402. Attributes and Nature of the True God
- 403. The Miracle of Israel’s Survival
- 404. Salvation in No Other Name
- 409. Do You Know the Lord?
- 410. Peace in the Church and Community (How to Deal with Controversy)
- 411. Leaning on a Broken Staff
- 412. Lessons from Matthew 18
- 413. The Glorious Return of Jesus
- 416. Barnabas: A Generous Encourager
- 417. Timothy: A Valued Helper
- 418. Peter: A Restored Leader
- 419. Paul: An Obedient Messenger
- 420. Mary and Martha: Friends of Jesus
- 421. John the Baptist: Messiah’s Forerunner (A Study of Matthew 3:1-12; 11:7-10)
- 422. The Just Shall Live By His Faith (A Study of the Book of Habakkuk)
- 423. Live Daily with Confidence (Studies in 1 John 5:1-15)
- 425. Daniel’s Intercessory Prayer (Daniel 9:1-24)
- 426. The Two Kingdoms: The Church and The State
- 427. A Warfare with Little Foxes
- 429. The Potter and the Clay (Jeremiah 18:1-6)
- 431. An Examination of Calvinism
- 432. The Election of God (An Overview of Romans 9)
- 433. Angels, Satan, and Demons
- 434. Aquila and Priscilla: Helpers in Christ (A Study of Acts 18:1-26 and Romans 16:3-5)
- 435. The Essential Art of Forgetting
- 441. Pleasing God In Our Daily Walk (A Study of 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12)
- 442. Christ: The Model for Marriage (A Study of Ephesians 5:22-33)
- 443. After Midnight (Read Matthew 25:1-13)
- 444. You Must be Born Again
- 445. Finding Hope for Living
- 446. Affirming Life for the Unborn
- 447. Propitiation: God’s Great Provision
- 448. Sin Has Tragic Consequences
- 449. Fear and Faith
- 451. The Mistakes of the Rich Fool
- 452. A River Without a Bridge (A Study of Joshua 1-2)
- 453. Victory Beyond the River (A Study of Joshua 3-5)
- 458. Judgment is Coming
- 461. The Miraculous Sign Gifts and the Apostolic Age
- 462. The Spiritual Gifts in the Church Age (A Study of Romans 12:1-8)
- 463. What is Faith? (A Study of Hebrews 11:1-6)
- 464. The Power of Faith (A Study of Hebrews 11:7-21)
- 465. Enduring Faith (A Study of Hebrews 11:22-38)
- 466. Evidence for the Reliability of the New Testament
- 467. Evidence for the Reliability of the Old Testament
- 468. Interpreting the Bible
- 469. Affirming Truth Without Oaths
- 470. Loving Our Enemies As Christ Loved Us – Part 1 of 2
- 471. Loving Our Enemies As Christ Loved Us – Part 2 of 2