The unfolding story of the nations of the world tells a long, sad tale of the results of men and women’s attempts to fulfill their own desires without regard for their Creator. The good news is that by learning from history, taking the lessons to heart, and behaving accordingly, we can gain wisdom that will help us to live more godly lives.
The passage of Proverbs 1:20-33 pictures wisdom calling out to us, if we will but stop to pay attention. The choice is critical. The eternal destiny of each individual depends on his response to God’s truth.
Once again it is time to release a new publication of Bible Helps. The title is “Israel Taken Into Captivity.” We learn from a study of the 17th chapter of 2 Kings how the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the biggest world power of that day, Assyria. In this article, Harold Martin discusses Israel’s captivity, as well as the reasons for it and the warnings they had beforehand.
For some of us, it is all too easy to observe events in the world today and point out how far some people are straying from God’s Word. But let’s guard against falling into the same snare. Foolishness, by the Biblical standard, begins simply by disregarding anything we know God wants of us. Let us live wisely, faithfully obeying all that God has asked.