This morning I reached a milestone in my work on this site: I’ve finished converting the format for all the regular booklets we have in print (except for three titles that are awaiting further editorial review or publishing permissions). They are ready to post now, so they will probably show up here on the site within another week or so.
For those of you who are familiar with our order list, that means virtually the whole first section of booklets will be available very soon. What remains to be done are most of the “limited quantity” titles (those for which we don’t keep large stocks in print), which includes all the “Series” titles (Ten Commandments, James, Jonah, etc.) and the Bible survey series. Just a few of these are already posted, including the Revelation series and the first few “limited quantity” titles like The Purpose of Suffering and The New Birth.
The proof copies of next month’s new issue left the editor’s desk yesterday for review by our proofreaders. Check back in a few weeks for the release of this new issue, where Harold Martin discusses a passage in Matthew 18.