We’ve just come through an annual holiday, for those of us in the USA. How has your celebration of Thanksgiving been different this year? How has it been the same as previous years? Were the differences or the similarities more important?
Depending on your age, you may recall various times that were especially memorable; some of those memories are treasured, while others you’d rather forget. Foremost on the minds of many at this season are the changes, adjustments, and losses over the past months due to COVID-19. In many cases, it’s easy to point out the things we can’t do or enjoy now as compared to previous holiday seasons.
But I’d like to ask, how was your Thanksgiving the same? Did you actually give heartfelt thanks? Were you focused on Jesus? Do you find the goodness and grace of God as rich as any time in the past? Do you find relationships within the family of God and treasures laid up in Heaven more valuable than ever, even while the value of temporal and material things fades? It’s no coincidence that these often go together.
We at Bible Helps continue to adjust our activities to the changing opportunities we are presented with. We are now able to ship materials to most places where they are requested.
I want to introduce you to two new articles today. Come face to face with Jesus, the believer’s Lord and Friend through the storms of life, in “What Manner of Man is This!” by Paul Shirk. In the latest article from Harold S. Martin, consider how neglect of eternal realities turns tragic in “The Mistakes of the Rich Fool”.
I hope you have not only found yourself blessed this Thanksgiving, but have also blessed God (and others) with your gratitude. Let us all continue to focus our eyes ever more sharply on Jesus as we look forward to celebrating His birth, and the coming new year.