Here is a great opportunity for all you printers out there: our old Davidson 702P is up for sale.
Bible Helps, Inc. purchased the press new in the early 80’s, and ran all the booklets and tracts for many years. Almost 10 years ago now our SuperWeb 205 arrived, and we began the process of converting all our printed publications to a format suitable for that press. Now all our printing has been running on the SuperWeb for some time, and we have no need of the old press any more.
For all of you who aren’t printers, the switch from the old sheetfed press to the new web press meant simply that we traded the ability to use many different paper sizes for much higher speed, which helps lower our production costs. The newer machine also does higher-quality work. The old Davidson usually ran at about 7,200 sheets per hour, since that was about as fast as it could go while still achieving acceptable quality. Right now I have the newer SuperWeb set up to run about 40,000 sheets per hour. Check back in to this blog for more descriptions of our machinery and how our materials turn from raw paper and ink into finished pamphlets containing the truth of God’s Word.
Also for those of you who aren’t printers, who may be interested in owning this fascinating piece of Bible Helps history but aren’t sure how to use it, I have a suggestion from one brother in the Lord who ran it for quite a few years. This purpose will transcend all the troubles he had with uncooperative paper and ink and wearing parts: it would make a perfectly marvelous boat anchor!
In case some reader is interested or knows someone who would be, the press is a Davidson 702P (perfector) 15″x18″ (sheet size) duplicator with a roll converter. It was in working order the last time it was used, but that was probably at least three years ago. It likely needs a new set of rollers. We do have an extensive collection of spare parts and some consumable supplies. Please contact us regarding any inquiries.
EDIT: The press has since been sold.