The audience sat in silent expectation. On stage were more than a hundred musicians. At precisely the right time, the conductor was greeted with rousing applause as he stepped briskly on stage and took his place before the orchestra. All the musicians poised, ready to begin. With a burst of energy the first note resounded […]
Where Did the Apostles Go?
Will there ever be more books added to the New Testament? If not, why not? Why aren’t many Christians today performing miracles and speaking in tongues like the Apostles did in the Book of Acts? These two questions, though they seem unrelated, are both brought into biblical perspective in the article entitled, “The Miraculous Sign […]
Have you ever asked God to bless someone, then later wondered exactly what that meant, or what God might do about it? Have you wondered what sort of blessing God would like to give? We pray for blessings, We pray for peace; Comfort for family, protection while we sleep. We pray for healing, for prosperity; […]
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” This familiar opening of Psalm 23 contrasts starkly with the want all around us, and perhaps in us. What do you want? What have you thought about, worked for, and longed for in 2020? The Hebrew construct expressing “I shall not want” (or “I will not […]
A Different Thanksgiving?
We’ve just come through an annual holiday, for those of us in the USA. How has your celebration of Thanksgiving been different this year? How has it been the same as previous years? Were the differences or the similarities more important? Depending on your age, you may recall various times that were especially memorable; some […]
Praying from Prison
“I have a prayer list that I think needs to be passed along to as many people as possible. The world seems like it’s falling apart from COVID-19, racial tensions, and senseless violence. ‘As in the days of Noah’…right.” These words came from a recent letter sent by a friend in prison. Many are being […]
We’re still open!
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support as we continue pursuing our mission in these changing times. Our donations and production levels have been sustained fairly well throughout this year. We are grateful for the privilege and opportunity this affords. Little by little, more countries are reopening their borders to our mail. Last week […]
Coronavirus Update
What an amazing time in which we are living! The Coronavirus pandemic swept over the United States in March, and as of this writing (May 11), has not left. According to The New York Times, the curve for the United States has flattened, but there are still a lot of new cases every day. As […]
Two Announcements
Are you interested in getting a first-hand report of the ministry of Bible Helps, and taking part in its future? We are planning to hold a Bible Helps General Meeting at Upton Brethren Church on Sunday evening, November 24, at 7pm. Everyone with an interest in Bible Helps is invited, and we encourage all within […]
Learning by Example
There are a variety of ways to learn. In many cases the best way to learn is by imitation. We do this almost from birth, and we continue to imitate others throughout life, sometimes without even realizing it. But here’s my challenge to you: who is your role model? I suppose we all select some […]